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If you have asked yourself any of the below question then Iona’s award winning workshop is for you! Join us for a FREE 6-week Aging Solo workshop!

What does it mean to be “aging solo?”
Do you have your post-mortem ordeals in order?
Is there anything in your house that can aid in living alone?
If you need help with any of these questions, consider if Aging Solo is right for you!

10/17 SESSION 1: Introduction To Aging Solo

10/21 SESSION 2: Your Social Network and Support Network

10/24 SESSION 3: Health Care Decision-Making and End-Of-Life Choices

10/31 SESSION4: Aging in place

11/07 SESSION 5: Making A Move

11/14 SESSION 6: Your Next Steps

We will meet at Iona in the Myers Conference Room on the 2nd floor.

All registered participants MUST attend all 6-weeks seats are limited.

This event has passed.

Try looking at other dates in this event series.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. Virtual links will be sent daily. 