YMCA Fitness Classes

The YMCA offers adult swim, strengthening, exercise, nutrition, cooking classes.

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YMCA – Fit and Well Seniors

Fit & Well Seniors is a wellness program which caters to the needs of DC seniors. Launched in 2010 in partnership with CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, this program helps seniors find movement and vitality—all free of charge. Thanks to a grant from the Department of Aging and Community Living the Fit & Well Seniors program is now part of the DACL's Senior Services Network. Sign up by visiting the YMCA or calling (202) 232-6700.

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WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Virtual class links will be sent every Monday and Wednesday. The Around Town DC team will notify you of any schedule changes. Please check your email regularly for the latest updates. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to contact us at Community@iona.org.