About This Portal

About this portal2020-12-28T21:39:13-05:00

Do you live in Northwest DC? Are you looking for enjoyable and interesting programs or activities? You’ve come to the right place.

There are a number of programs and events throughout Northwest DC that bring older adults together to build friendships, learn new skills, enjoy conversation, exercise, and have fun.

News to you? You’re not alone.

Over the years, we’ve heard from countless neighbors like you who say they missed out on fitness opportunities, art programs, educational presentations, social events, and more because they simply didn’t know about them.

If you’re 60+ and looking for ways to tap into your neighborhood resources, meet new people, stay fit, or enjoy other recreational and wellness programs, it can be difficult to know what’s available to you. You have to wade through flyers, emails, websites, listservs, community boards, resource guides, brochures, and more—which often takes time, patience, and online savvy. As a result, you might grow frustrated, give up, and ultimately never learn about a great event, activity, or program.

Around Town DC was developed with you in mind.

This simple online directory compiles programs, events, activities, and more happening primarily in Wards 2 and 3 so that you can easily find programs that match your interests or location criteria in one place.

Wards 2 and 3 Zip Codes include:


Funded by the DC Department of Aging and Community Living, Around Town DC is maintained by Iona Senior Services, a trusted nonprofit in Washington, DC that has a deep knowledge of local resources available to older adults and families.

Search the Around Town DC Directory for upcoming events and programs.

Search Directory
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. Virtual links will be sent daily. 