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Connect with fellow perennials while enjoying daytime basketball with the
Capital City Go-Go, DC’s NBA G League affiliate of the Washington Wizards.
An outing at a Capital City Go-Go game is a great way to promote an active,
healthy lifestyle for the DMV’s Perennial (Senior) citizens.

What is the NBA G League?
The NBA G League is the NBA’s official minor league, preparing players,
coaches, officials, trainers, and front-office staff for the NBA while acting as the
league’s research and development laboratory. Featuring 31 teams — 29 with
one-to-one affiliations with NBA franchises — the league offers elite professional
basketball at an affordable price in a fun, family-friendly atmosphere.

Tickets are limited and Transportation will be provided

This event has passed.

Register for some of our other events though!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. Virtual links will be sent daily. 