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Join WABA and our partners Seabury Resources for Aging, Age Friendly DC, goDCgo, America Walks, DC Bicycle Advisory Council, Iona Senior Services, NoMa BID, and the Deputy Mayor for Operations and Infrastructure Highway Safety Office on Sunday, April 21, 2024 for the Older Adult Transportation Block Party! If you are a person aged 55 or older, this event is for you. We will be celebrating our community and facilitating a conversation with older adults about traffic safety when walking, biking, driving and moving around DC. We are looking forward to hearing from older adult residents about their concerns and desires regarding street safety in DC. Throughout the event, participants will be able to hear from transportation experts and community leaders in DC regarding transportation.

This is an informal and free event. There will be trivia, music, speakers, vendors, and more!

Food, drinks, a shaded seating area, and restrooms will be provided at the event.

WABA will provide ASL interpretation upon request. Please reach out to Sarah Haedrich at sarah.haedrich@waba.org by April 16 if you would like to request ASL service.

Date: April 21, 2024

Time: 12 – 4 PM

Location: Alethia Tanner Park 227 Harry Thomas Way NE, Washington, DC 20002

In the Event of Rain: Lena Mae Community Center (1915 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC 20018)

Registration: Free! Please register to reserve your spot. This is not an Around Town DC Event, please click the link below to register:


This event has passed.

Register for some of our other events though!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. Virtual links will be sent daily. 