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No walk-ins. Registration required,

Iona’s is always looking for new volunteers and here’s your chance to get started! Join us for a very informative orientation about Iona and this volunteer opportunity in our award-winning day health center. To learn more, contact Tania Sechriest at volunteer@iona.org or (202) 895-9419. 

WELLNESS & ARTS CENTER volunteers assist staff with providing for frail and/or memory impaired clients, fulfilling a variety of roles. Volunteers can greet participants and assist staff leading activities such as sing-a-longs and exercise classes, or just play a game of dominoes and chat with a participant. There are also opportunities to assist with lunch on a daily basis. The center operates Mon – Fri, 8:15am to 5:00pm. You can work part or all of a day.


This event has passed.

Register for some of our other events though!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. Virtual links will be sent daily. 
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We apologize for the inconvenience, but the courtesy reminder emails for some classes are currently down. The Around Town DC team will keep you updated about any schedule changes. Please remember to check your emails daily for the latest information. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to reach out to Community@iona.org. ALL Virtual links will be sent Monday and Wednesdays each week. ALL original In-person Classes are back in the libraries starting 10/07/2024. 